The movie opens with Rachel (Lindsay Lohan) forcing her mother, Lilly (Felicity Huffman) to stop the car on the way to Lilly's mothers in Idaho house where Rachel is going to be spending the summer for bad behavior. Rachel walks part of the way, and is found sleeping under a billboard by an innocent and handsome Harlan. Harlan startles Rachel when he is checking her vitals, and soon jumps in the car of Simon, the town vet and unofficial doctor, when he stops to check out the commotion.
Lilly and her mother, Georgia (Jane Fonda) have a bad relationship, and Lilly leaves, leaving Rachel to learn about Georgia and her "rules". She lives a plotted out life, breakfast at 8, dinner at 6, without ever changing course. When explaining her rules, she ends them with "Georgia Rule". Rachel and Georgia butt heads, but after initial reluctance accepts a job working with Simon, because of a strange attraction to him.
Soon she meets Harlan again, who on a fishing trip admits he's a virgin and is set to go on a mission for his church for two years. Rachel convinces him that looking at her vagina and touching are not breaking any rules, and he does so reluctantly and to the surprisingly emotional Rachel. Soon she reciprocates by giving Harlan oral sex. When he asks why she did it she says she was "looking for someone to say no". Harlan and Rachel drive to see Harlan's girlfriend to admit his wrongdoing.
Rachel, in trouble with her mother and grandmother, and trying to confront Simon the death of his wife, reveal that she has been molested by her step-father Arnold since she was 12. Georgia calls Lilly to tell her this accusation, who drives to confront Rachel. Rachel lies about it, and then double backs on her lie, and when Arnold drives to the house to confront Rachel and win back his wife Lilly.
In a tearful confession, Rachel tells her mother she made it all up, and that Arnold never did anything, but soon Rachel confronts Arnold in his hotel room and it's revealed that she and Arnold did have a sexual relationship which a friend of her's videotaped for blackmail purposes. However Rachel agrees to keep lying to her mother in order to keep her happy.
The next day Lilly leaves with Arnold and leaves a card with Georgia, who is positive of Arnold's pedophilia, to give to Rachel and upon reading it decides that Lilly should know the truth. After Arnold decides to leave Rachel his new Ferrari, Lilly figures it out on her own, and soon Arnold admits, claiming that Rachel seduced him at 12 years old and that Lilly's alcoholism drove him to have sex with Rachel.
Rachel catches up with her mother, alone on the side of the road, and hug. THE END
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