No Country for Old Men (2007)

Elsewhere, Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin) is hunting pronghorns. Setting his sniper-rifle sights on one, he fires and misses, scattering the animals. Shifting his sights, to his surprise, he sees a pitbull. Walking over after the dog has ran off, he sees that the pitbull has left a trail of blood. Following this trail, Moss eventually comes upon several trucks parked out in the middle of the wilderness. Coming closer, he finds several bodies shot to death, most appearing to be Mexican, and even a dead pitbull. Under a tarp in a pick-up, Moss sees what appears to be a great deal of heroin. Opening one of the trucks, he finds a man whose still alive, but badly injured. The panting stranger begs Moss for "aqua", but Moss walks away saying he doesn't have any water. Moss follows another blood trail, this time it leds to a grove of trees where he sees someone is sitting. Eventually, he makes his way to the grove to see that the man under the trees is dead. The dead man has a semi-automatic rifle and a satchel, which Moss finds to hold $2 million dollars.